Monday, April 25, 2011

NY Times: Taliban Help Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison’s Political Wing

I read an article titled "Taliban Helps Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison's Political Wing" by Taimoor Shah and Alissa Rubin in the New York Times. It discusses how the Taliban staged a prison break early Monday, freeing at least 476 political prisoners through a long tunnel. The tunnel wound under security check posts outside the prison and under a main highway. One source said that "At 11 p.m. Sunday, three Taliban prisoners, who he said were the only ones who knew, “went from cell to cell waking people and guiding each of them to the tunnel.” Also on hand were Taliban fighters and suicide bombers in case the security forces woke up and there was a fight. This article was discouraging because I feel like the security should have noticed all the prisoners leaving or a tunnel being built. Hopefully, security measures in Afghanistan will increase and the escaped Taliban members will not cause too much trouble.

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