Monday, April 25, 2011

Video: Tunnel in Afghanistan

This link shows a video about the tunnel in Afghanistan used by Taliban prisoners to escape prison. I found it interesting and informative, check it out!

NY Times: Taliban Help Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison’s Political Wing

I read an article titled "Taliban Helps Hundreds Tunnel Out of Prison's Political Wing" by Taimoor Shah and Alissa Rubin in the New York Times. It discusses how the Taliban staged a prison break early Monday, freeing at least 476 political prisoners through a long tunnel. The tunnel wound under security check posts outside the prison and under a main highway. One source said that "At 11 p.m. Sunday, three Taliban prisoners, who he said were the only ones who knew, “went from cell to cell waking people and guiding each of them to the tunnel.” Also on hand were Taliban fighters and suicide bombers in case the security forces woke up and there was a fight. This article was discouraging because I feel like the security should have noticed all the prisoners leaving or a tunnel being built. Hopefully, security measures in Afghanistan will increase and the escaped Taliban members will not cause too much trouble.

For more information, visit

NY Times: Flying the Flag, Fleeing the State

I read an article titled "Flying the Flag, Fleeing the State" by Rose George in the Opinion Pages of the New York Times. It discussed how four American yachters were killed and seven more people were kidnapped by pirates in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden. Also 700 people, mostly Filipino, Bangladeshi and Russian, are held hostage to operate these ships, often with little food or water. George argues that the rules for registering ships should be changed. Many state registries lack the capacity to monitor the safety and working conditions on ships, or to investigate accidents, such as oil spills. Instead, ship safety certificates are given out by private classification societies. This leads to many problems such as oil spills, poor working conditions, low wages and piracy. After reading this article, I think this is an important issue that should not go unnoticed

For more information, visit

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Soul Surfer Trailer

After reading a review on Soul Surfer, I wanted to check out the trailer, enjoy!

Movie Review: Soul Surfer

I read a movie review by Matthew Huntley about the new movie "Soul Surfer". This movie is based off a true story of Bethany Hamilton, a surfer who at the age of 13 was attacked by a tiger shark that ripped off her left arm. However soon after the accident, she was back surfing again and competing in competitions. Huntley says the movie is "bursting with heart, inspiration and positivity" while also evoking a message of faith. Although a little cheesy, he says it's an awesome family movie that everyone's kids should see. After reading the review, I want to see the movie! It sounds like an inspiring, happy movie -my favorite!

To read the review, visit...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NY Times: G.E. Plans to Build Largest Solar Panel Plant in U.S.

I read an article in the New York Times titled "G.E. Plans to Build Largest Solar Panel Plant in U.S." by Todd Woody. General Electric is planning to build the largest solar panel plant in the U.S. because recently they have been increasing heavily in solar. The plant, whose location has not been determined, will employ 400 workers and create 600 related jobs, according to G.E. However, General Electric will face competition from low-cost, government-subsidized Chinese manufacturers who also is focusing on solar energy. I enjoyed reading this article because I think it is important for companies to explore different types of energy besides oil because the U.S. needs to not rely on other countries for sources of energy.

For more info, visit

NY Times: G.E. Plans to Build Largest Solar Panel Plant in U.S.

I read an article in the New York Times titled "G.E. Plans to Build Largest Solar Panel Plant in U.S." by Todd Woody. General Electric is planning to build the largest solar panel plant in the U.S. because recently they have been increasing heavily in solar. The plant, whose location has not been determined, will employ 400 workers and create 600 related jobs, according to G.E. However, General Electric will face competition from low-cost, government-subsidized Chinese manufacturers who also is focusing on solar energy. I enjoyed reading this article because I think it is important for companies to explore different types of energy besides oil because the U.S. needs to not rely on other countries for sources of energy.

For more info, visit

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NY Times: When It Counts Most, Texas A&M Beats Baylor

This week I read an article in the New York Times titled "When it counts most, Texas A&M beats Baylor" by Karen Crouse. This past Tuesday night, March 29th, the Lady Bears lost in the Elite Eight to Texas A&M, 58 to 46. Texas A&M had lost eight games in a row to Baylor, including all three meetings earlier this season. But Texas A&M was on top of their game tonight, Sydney Carter was able to score 15 points in the first 20 minutes as the Aggies took a 32-21 lead into halftime. Griner, as usual, "proved a grind to guard." Adams picked up two quick fouls while entrusted with the task and sat all but eight minutes of the opening 20.Being a Baylor bear myself, I was disappointed by the outcome of the game. Still a great season though, Ladybears! We'll get them next year, Sic 'em!

For more information,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Video: Algenist Skin Care

The last article I read dealt with Algenist, the new skin care line at Sephora. Here is a video where Allison Slater, Vice President of Marketing at Sephora, introduces you to the new product. Check it out!

NY Times: Trolling the Oceans to Combat Aging

I read an article in the New York Times titled "Trolling the Oceans to Combat Aging" which detailed how Algenist has just come up with a new anti-aging skin care line that features alguronic acid which comes from algae. They are selling this product, eye balm and serum, online at with a price ranging from $65 to $95. Allison Slater describes the exciting new discovery: “Think about how algae can live anywhere, live in the coldest of places, or the harshest of places, and think about translating that to skin care.” Alguronic acid shows signs of increasing cell regeneration, protecting against cell damage, and increasing the synthesis of elastin. One study conducted by Dr. Tony Day  of 30 women showed that after 10 days of using the Algenist serum, the women had a 25 percent decrease in wrinkles as shown by silicone replicas of their faces.  I find this new product intriguing and wonder if people will respond to it positively.

For more information, visit

Monday, March 21, 2011

NY Times: Last Defense at Troubled Reactors, 50 Japanese Workers

This article titled "Last Defense at Troubled Reactors: 50 Japanese Workers" describes how 50 workers decided to stay behind, braving the radiation and fire, in order to prevent further nuclear catastrophe in Japan. They have been assigned to pump sea water on dangerous nuclear fuels in order to prevent future melt downs. Japan raised the legal limit on the amount of radiation that each worker could be exposed to which is calculated to be five times the U. S. rate. The article describes the workers staying because "there is a sense of loyalty and camaraderie when you’ve trained with guys, you’ve done shifts with them for years". I cannot express how impressed I am with these workers that they would put their life at such risk in order to help the good of others and their country.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Video: iPad 2

Since I last read an article on the iPad 2, I decided to watch this video. Check it out! What a cool product!

NY Times: Steve Jobs Introduces the Updated iPad

I read an article from the New York Times titled "Steve Jobs Introduces the Updated iPad" by Miguel Helft. Jobs took off from his medical leave in order to present the new, thinner, faster and lighter version of the iPad. And the best part is, the new iPad or iPad 2 costs the same as the previous one! This iPad also features a camera on the front and rear, and is "built around a new chip that Apple designed called A5, which is faster than its predecessor". This new iPad is apparently more powerful yet simple to use. Jobs was very well received when presenting this new product which proves he is still the main man in charge of the corporation. Apple shares even jumped 1% after the appearance of Jobs. It seems to me that Apple is still a force to be reckoned with because they continue to put out new, effective products.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Web Writing

I looked at the GSD&M (an Advertising company in Austin, TX) website and thought it was graphically appealing and well put together. The website was able to effectively include all the necessary information, such as clients, location, employees, videos, and news in an interesting way with many ways to click and scroll.

Check it out!

NY Times: New Rules for New Technology

I read an editorial in the New York Times titled "New Rules for New Technology" which dealt with how it is about time the Federal Communications Commission stops subsidizing rural phone lines and starts subsidizing rural broadband connections. Many Americans do not have access to the Internet. Most of the country has phone service but broadband needs to be established so that the Internet can be utilized. The main point that the author was trying to get across was that the United States urgently needs a better communications network for the 21st century. The F.C.C. plan is a good one and the commissioners should approve it.

For more information, visit

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Video: Funny Wedding Videos

My friend showed me these wedding videos on YouTube and I thought they were hilarious, enjoy!

JK Wedding Entrance

My Clumsy Best Man Ruins Our Wedding

Video: Joba Chamberlain

I watched this tribute video/ picture slideshow of Yankee player, Joba Chamberlain, because I did not know much about him prior to reading the article in the New York Times.

NY Times: Heftier Chamberlain Arrives With Thud at Yankees Camp

I read a New York Times Article titled "Heftier Chamberlain Arrives With Thud at Yankees Camp"by Ben Shpigel which discussed how Yankees player, Joba Chamberlain, has gained weight since last season. Although Chamberlain states that he's in "better shape" than he's been in a couple years, there is now a focus on Chamberlain's weight and pitching which is "already under scrutiny". I find it interesting that weight is such a concern in the world of baseball and that a whole article is written about the weight gain of one player. The Yankees still have faith in Chamberlain, but this quote by Brian Cashman sums up their true opinion, "He's a good kid. He does work hard, his bullpens look fantastic. But yeah, he's heavy". I personally believe that Chamberlain will have a comeback and the extra pounds will not affect his performance. I'm routing for you, Chamberlain!

For more information, visit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NY Times: Saving Lives From Anal Cancer

I read an article in the New York Times titled "Saving Lives from Anal Cancer" which first dealt with a personal story of a mother, Pauletter Crowther, who passed away last April due to Anal cancer. Her three children started the HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation to raise awareness "about the link between the human papillomavirus, an incredibly common sexually transmitted infection, and a whole list of cancers, each of which affects a relatively small number of people but which, taken together, affect tens of thousand". This article made me realize how important it is to get tested regularly and take advantage of all the vaccinations available because they can prevent a deathly disease later on. 

See more information at

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Video: Protest in Egypt

Last week I wrote about the protests in Egypt, and I found this video concerning the protests and thought it captured the tension present there.

NY Times: The Daily, Digital-Only Newspaper

Today I read an article in the New York Times titled "News Corporation introduces the Daily, Digital-Only Newspaper"by Jeremy Peters. Rupert Murdoch developed a news application for the Ipad called "The Daily". This will be the first digital news application and there are many risks involved. This application will only cost $39.99 a year in hopes that the cheap price will bring in more costumers. The cost of producing this paper is lessened because printing and distribution are not necessary. This business article interested me because it shows how the world is shifting from the tradition style newspaper to digital news. I believe that within the next couple years, printed papers will no longer exist. This is just the beginning of a totally digital society.

See more information about "The Daily", visit

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NY Times: Protesters in Egypt Defy Ban as Government Cracks Down

I read the Article in the New York Times titled "Protesters in Egypt Defy Ban as Government Cracks Down" by Kareem Fahim, and it made me worry about the intense situation in Egypt. Human rights groups are saying that more than 2,000 Egyptians have been arrested for protesting an end to the government of president Hosni Mubarak. Skirmishes involving fire, chanting, marching, rock throwing, and gasoline bombs are occurring, and it is thought to be engineered by the illegal Brotherhood organization. Egypt has an extensive and widely feared police force, and it "deployed its might in an effort to crush the protests". Egypt's allies, including the United States, are starting to worry and its stock index fell more than 6 percent. I hope that the situation in Egypt will calm down and the protesting will come to an end peacefully. 

For more information, visit

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NY Times: Wal-Mart Plans to Make its House Brand Healthier

I found the NY Times article titled "Wal-Mart Plans to Make its House Brand Healthier"by Sheryl Gay Stolberg interesting and encouraging. Wal-Mart is going to implement a five-year plan to make thousands of its packaged foods lower in unhealthy salts, fats and sugars, and to drop prices on fruits and vegetables. Michelle Obama is helping to promote this change because of her care for reducing child obesity. Wal-Mart hopes that this change with encourage its suppliers and other retail stores to take similar action. This article is encouraging because it shows that Americans are starting to take measures to reduce obesity. The adherence to this movement by Wal-Mart, the biggest grocer in America, could help make a dent in this ever growing problem.