Thursday, February 6, 2014

Celeste Ligon's Shameless Plug

I didn't know where to begin when I started to make my shameless plug. A lot has happened over the past 22 years. I asked my mom to email me childhood pictures. Those pictures provided a basis for the early years of my life, but I wanted the focus of my shameless plug to be my time spent at Baylor. I am graduating this upcoming May, and my goal with this project is for my shameless plug to be something future employers can look at when considering me for a full-time position.

My shameless plug details my internship experience and skills I've learned throughout college, but it also tells the viewer about my personality, interests and goals in life. A resume can only tell someone so much, but my shameless plug helps the viewer grasp who I am as a person. It highlights my core christian beliefs, shows my love for travel, and how my family inspires me. I was able to include fun facts about my life like the mission trip to Spain I went on with the Baylor Religious Hour Choir. My shameless plug also explains how I'm getting married this summer and seeking a job in Dallas starting after my July wedding. It was fun piecing together important parts of my life and turning it into a video I'm really proud of.

I also was able to work on my video and Youtube skills. I used iMovie to make my shameless plug. I am not confident in my video-making skills so I'm happy this project gave me a chance to work on that part of my skill set. I hope this project will be a helpful tool as I'm looking to enter the workforce this summer.

To watch my shameless plug, click on the link below:

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